Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Game of the Season....:)

This is my favorite season ..Fall..Autumn. Whatever you choose to call just so happens to coincide with my favorite sport to watch, my kids Soccer games!!! I am in my element as a soccer mom on the sidelines!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!

This is our second year of playing on the Homeschool Hornets, but the kids love it!! Chloe and Blake play on the middle school team 6th-8th graders, they have allowed Blake to play this year with the understanding he may not get as much playing team as the 8th graders. Well, he played almost the whole game last week!!!

And we won!!!!! 6-2....!!!!!YAY HORNETS!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had our first football game, last Saturday. I love this time of year too!