Friday, April 8, 2011

I am really not a pscho...

Today I had to go and run my weekly errands, Aldi, Target, Kohls and Giant Eagle. I really wanted to go to Target to get somethings to put in Mia's gift bag to send her (blog coming soon). But I knew if I went to Target first I wouldnt want to go to Aldi because it is boring and just I decided to I better go to Aldi. As I was getting out of my van at Aldi, I realized I didnt have that quarter so I could get my grocery cart. I thought oh great..should have went to Target. I had a 2 dimes and a nickel. I figured I would just go stand in front of the carts and wait for someone to come by and I would explain my annoying little situation and exchange my money for their cart.
BUT of course, what do you think was sticking out of the shopping cart when I walked up....a quarter..of course there was a quarter there. God wanted me in Aldi for some reason.:) I was so happy to see that little quarter. I joyously went along on my grocery shopping and ran into an old friend and chatted for a few minutes. When out of the corner of my eye, I saw a little Asian girl with her American mommy. I couldnt tear my eyes off of her. She was so beautiful. I told my friend I was dieing to go and talk to the woman. She told me to go for it.
So being the chatty and persistant woman I am...thats what I did. I walked up to her and said, "Excuse me, I have something to ask her and I hope she doesnt take it wrong." I then proceeded to tell her our story about adopting from Korea. She told her little one was from Korea and how fabulous their experience had been. While I was talking to this woman, her little 3 year old daugher was staring at me, reached for my hand and rubbed the top of it....almost reassuring me everything was going to be fine.
Of course I was staring at her, her profile, her dark hair, her dark eyes, her beautiful skin, her smile.... Anyway, we finished our conversation..of course I was staring at her daughter and maybe that was getting uncomfortable. I know I was feeling that I tore myself away and she starts talking to her daughter and CALLS HER MIA!!!! Being the persistant adoptive mother that I am, I turned around and said Mia..that is what we are naming our little girl???? I then showed her pictures of my Mia. Again..almost moved to tears. I really hope she didnt notice my paper-pregnant tears or emotions coming through.
Thank you Lord, for that chance to meet another Mia. To reassure me, that I am going to see my little Mia soon, very soon.:)


Cathy said...

That's awesome. What a God moment.

Clay and Amanda said...

Thats so sweet! I also find myself staring a little too long at Asian children I see in the grocery store! It sounds so creepy, but its just because I am missing my daughter so much & they remind me of her! My husband is the chatty one and he will always go talk to the parents. Me, not so much, lol!

Wendi said...

I know I had to be staring at her longingly. She was just my Mia's age and sooo sweet. I need to get myself under control or not go out into public....until I bring her home.LL!!

The Richardson Family said...

Haha...I probably would have said something too! I haven't even seen my little girl yet and I am already longing for her. I will be praying no one reports you to the authorities!!! LOL