Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Do you see this smile?

Pretty much unless she is sleeping... This is my little SeeEun. We are still calling her SeeEun because well... She is just a SeeEun-y. It's just her! I am sure it will eventually become Avah... But I see Avah SeeEun Being said for awhile too.

She is such a joy. She snuggles. She hugs. She hugs. I thought Mia was easy but Avah is easy! She falls asleep easy. We are trying to remember even though she is easy... She still needs the care of .. She has been home 3 weeks.. She needs the same attention as a 3 week old.
She loves Mia so much. Everywhere she goes.. She wants Mia right beside her. If Avah bathes... Mia needs to bathe. If Avah has a snack.. Mia needs a snack. So cute.. So prefect!

We did see Dr. Sarah Springer. Pittsburgh is blessed to have this IAP.... International Adoption physician. I prayed Avah would need no more than 6 specialists.... Well right now she only needs 5 specialists. Today we are sitting at the audiologist.. For a hearing test! Praying all is well!!

I will update more details and pictures soon! Right now is busy busy busy!!

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