Sunday, June 3, 2012

One year ago ....

She was given to us. A sensitive, serious, intriguing, affectionate, and beautiful little Mia Grace Heimee.

A blessing. In so many awesome ways. Ways I am sure I will never comprehend.

Opening my eyes to a whole new spectrum.

Keeping them open to adopt again and again and again.

One little picture said it all.

I want her.

This picture made me go out on a teensy weensy little branch and beg please let me adopt her!!! I don't care what's wrong. She's mine.

What was wrong was she had 17 cavities and low muscle tone in doctors terms (more cuddlely in mommy terms) and she was/is a sensitive child.

She has made me trust my feelings on who my children are and what is wrong with one of my children. I am the mom. I know my kids. ... Whether I have met them or not. I know when I know.

Mia has made me see how much more important is to love than it is to have the latest fashion, more activities for me to run my kids too, a more comfortable life with less children, or to have a chaotic life style. Love. The best gift you can give your child is a sibiling.

Many people asked us when we we came home with Mia if this was it.. Are we done? Now we have precious Avah home.. Now we really get the question... Are we done?

My answer... Are they all home yet? Right now I feel the lord telling me.. Peace... Be still. One of the few loud and clear messages I have ever heard. And boy does it feel good. Sooo good. I will be still... Until or if he calls me again.... And I will put myself through that torture of the waiting process of bringing home a child.

But looking at my sweet girls... Knowing the blessing of adoption.. Even with Avahs unknowns are priceless. They are where they should be and I am where I should be.

Mark 4:39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love this!! Happy Family Day Mia!