Friday, January 25, 2013

Sick Ick...and allergy problems

Ughhhh we have never been sicker than we have been this year. From colds to sinus to strep to stomach virus to what we thought was the flu was just a 3-5 day fever virus that ends in a horrendous sneezing and coughing cold. Which is where I am currently at. Bleh.

In the midst of this sickness... We have received our long awaited allergy results for Paul and Mia. Did I really want to know this? Yes... I did.
Here they are:
Paul- soy, gluten, rice and oat
Mia- caesin, gluten,soy, rice and tuna
Yes she is Korean and yes that says rice and soy. Ahhhhh could explain so much.

We have many reasons we need to be on a healthier eating plan other than the obvious.

My plan... For now.. Until I can get better... Gluten free which we already were 60% anyway. Paul thinks he is starving and going to be deprived so we have had gluten free boxed dessert every night to help with his fear of hunger and his threat to run away if all gluten free food taste like broccoli. 😉 love that kid!!

But I have a plan that involves more than just boxed delish. I will post our plan as soon as I get off the floor from my sneezes knocking me out.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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