Today was a little harder with our meeting with Mia, her foster father was there and they are extremely close. He said she is very smart and she was emotional today because she knows something is about to happen.:(
This is Kenny sitting on the floor waiting patiently for Mia to walk in..he even had the Pororo plane on his lap.

Of course, she didnt warm right up to us today. We weren't in her home and was a little leery at first. She immediatly chose another toy!

Mia came in today carrying this massive muffin!! I mean it was half the size of her head..crumbs were falling everywhere. She kept telling the Foster mom to clean up the floor and wipe her hands.

Starting to warm up...foster mom kept pulling her pant legs down. Mia kept pulling them up...she definetly has a mind of her own!

We found the way to get her to open up....the cameras. She loved watching herself on the video camera. She loved looking through her pictures..because she is CUTE you know...She informed us that today over and over and over..I think she has been told that before!!

All my close friends know my favorite bracelet, the Menagerie bracelet by Lia Sophia. Guess who LOVED it...yes you got it Mia. She wearing and letting the menagerie of charms and chains cling all around. I knew there was a reason for that 'camp' word and the reason I loved that bracelet!!

She finally warmed up to her Appa...

The camera had her in hysterics!! She laughs all the time!!

We have quite the musician! She would play a song..not pounding but actually play a song with fingers and when she was done. She turned and waited for applause. The foster mother told us she thinks she will be a musician because of her love for music.

She loves playing with toys...I mean LOVES toys!!

It was time to go and she came over to hug us goodbye!!

I even got a kiss without being prompted!! She is sooo adorable!!

When it was time to go she threw a fit!! I see a temper temper here...We have our work cut out. Kenny and I were sitting in the room while the foster parents said Bye and that they were leaving. We couldnt understand what everyone was much as we wanted to believe that she wanted to stay with us. She didnt want to leave the toys. She loves coming to SWS and playing and loves seeing all the babies!
I did think it was good she wasnt worried about being left in a room alone with us. Thursday is going to be rough...I didnt take pictures but there was one meltdown...that had me and her crying. I know it will all be fine. But I am more nervous for Thursday morning than I was for meeting her the first time. The foster parents treat as a little when she was throwing a fit, her foster father offered his cell phone and off she went! Oh my..
The foster parents weren't really acting like grandparents. Giving a child a cell phone is very Korean. Any child on a bus or subway that is a little loud, and someone will give it their cell phone to play with, nibble on, etc. It's very Korean.
Oh my, she is adorable.I loved the picture of her kissing you. What a memory to have in a photo!! She seems to have a strong personality, but she will need that strength to help her get through the transition to understanding she will be your daughter forever. Thinking of you as you enjoy Seoul before being with Mia Grace forever:)(norskmummy on Holt BB)
Will be praying for you on THursday. It may be hard, but you also may be very surprised.
So happy to see you all together!!!
Our first two meetings with Lauren were terrible...she screamed almost the whole time and fell asleep from all the screaming. But the day we took her in our arms forever she just knew and only cried for a few minutes and then just settled into our arms. I think the foster families do a wonderful job of preparing the children. I will be thinking of you.
Thanks I didnt mean the cell phone was like grandparents, I meant giving into after a fit was like gradnparents.
Thanks everyone!! We are really excited!
Oh what a special time!! Thank you for sharing. You are in my prayers. Mia is so cute and I can't wait to meet her. Loving these updates! :)
I love the 1st picture of Kenny because you can feel the situation. Then the picture of Mia trying to make eye contact and really connect with him! You really captured the moments!
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