Anyone who has ever contemplated older child adoption, I want to highly recommend it. She is such an awesome and happy child.
We have been trying to figure out bedtime. While we were visiting with the foster parents, I asked how she sleeps and where does she sleep? They said with us on a mattress on the floor. Oh most of you may know, I love my sleep. I mean LOVE to sleep!!! So we decided to let her sleep with us while we were bonding..OH MY. Thats what I have to say to that! She would put her cheek to mine..chest to my shoulder...legs wrapped around my ribcage...both arms spread and one rubbing my cheek and the other rubbing my arm...the ENTIRE night.
CAN I SAY BONDING?? OH yes we are bonded...we called that the Mia CLAMP and a CLAMP it was!!! As snuggly as this was....she wasnt sleeping that great like that and I wasnt sleeping at ALL. So I would put her beside me and snuggle like a newborn..she would sleep like this but fitfully. I decided I had to get some her and I moved to the guest room and stretched out and oh yes....we both slept the night away!! And for 3 hours she slept alone!! Below is her all stretched out enjoying her space!!!!

She is sooo tiny! And so sweet! I'm glad she has been bonding with you, it's blessings all around! :)
You will keep figuring out what works best for both of you! Glad you got some sleep.
I do not mind the dirty kitchen because mine is likely dirtier... lol
When others tell me my kids are lucky or whatever...I tell them that maybe they are, but really the blessing and joy are all mine! :) It is so good to see little Mia fitting right in...just like God created her to be yours or something. LOL Well, of course He did! I slept with Alex until he was two when Christopher came home. I never could sleep with Christopher because he flips, flops, smacks, sits up and down and all sorts of crazy stuff in his sleep. Our Lydia is a snorer - and I mean a SNORER - so her time in our room was short too.
Cute cute cute!! And I demand, DEMAND a new pic on your sidebar that says "Five reasons why we homeschool." I'm loving these posts, I tell ya! :)
I love this post. I'm so glad she is doing so well. :) I get the comments about how great we are too, but I always just say "really we are just blessed tremendously by God to be their parents". If you think it is old now, give it about 5 years. :( People just don't seem to "get it". lol Keep bonding and having fun!
Hi, We are glad to see Grace(혜미) being great :)
We queit worried about her but get relieved to saw she gets along with you and her siblings.
We really appriciate your decison to sleep with Grace. She can deeply sleep when mama sleep with her.
I can't find the word to thank you :) Thank you, Thank you very much for your love to Grace.
And we want to contact with you.
From Korea.
P.S my niece helped me this comment with English, please understand some (a lot?) of grammar error :p
Thank you so much! I am so happy you found my blog!!! We are so happy at what a happy, smart and well adjusted little girl Mia is. Please contact is my email
PS...your English is great!:):)
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