Wednesday, October 1, 2014

{Documenting Chaos}

Thought I would document my day...
Many people have said many things
'How do you do it?' That ones easy.. I don't.
'Must be nice to stay home and not have to work'--- Hahaahh good one.
So I documented my day...

It is 11;52.... We have sat at the table since 9:02... Paul is done with school. Camye had done math. Blake has done English. I have sat here and done lessons plans. 
Here are a few messes I see as I look around. My little three are having a blast.

Still working at table... No lunch.. Hoping to get it by 1pm. Paul did finish everything. Blake, Camye and I are still at it. But I look up to find this...

Yes such a mess... Paints.. Sticker letters..books... An IV that the hosptial still won't pick up after 3 Advocare chargers... 

Quit school for the day at 1:52. Still not done. Did a quick clean up. Fixed lunch. Cades meds. Moved 415,621 boxes out of the pouring rain.. Thank you fed ex man. Headed to two different pharmacies to get Cades meds. Mail bags at ups. Mail stuff at PO. 

Oops... Slight problem at home even though only 3 kids were there.

Post office later. Everything else done. But it's now 3:50... And I need to get home to start supper at 4:15. And the loveofmylife gets home at 4:15. 

But my kids surprised me with a super clean school/dining room! Yay!

This blog is to say.. 

I don't do it all.

I don't have the awesome clean, perfect settings for Instagram, Facebook or Blogs.

Life is chaos. But documenting my day.. Sure made me realize... I love my chaos. I am going to embrace my chaos.

I am enjoying the messes that won't always be.

I am choosing to realize that life is what you make it.

As I look around at the 5 kids snuggled in my bed... This is exactly what I love.

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